What we do
Have you heard of Chitrakathi art or crafts like copper enameling? What about abstract art like Jackson Pollock, Renaissance art, Expressionism, etc.? A lot of us are likely to have heard of at least one of the latter as opposed to the former. ~ Network of Indian Cultural Enterprises
Handwoven and homespun gave way to cheaper machinemade fabrics, handcrafted wooden block printing gave way to printed mass produced designs. Copper and brass kitchen ware made space for microwave safe ceramics.
The traditional crafts and skills handed down the generations are in danger of dying out, as the skilled artisans migrate to anonymity and the indignity of the poor migrant to the cities.
As a way to return the dignity, there is a move towards appreciating the handcrafted once again. At EkiBeki, we give the artisans a new channel to upskill the old crafts, give the karigar new designs and access to new technology. To keep his skills relevant in our modern world.